Report on assistive tools and Inclusive Education
Reflective writing on Assistive Tools and Inclusive Learning
On 18th of April, our class made a visit to the Rimpung campus to observe assistive tools and to learn about the difficulties faced by the inclusive teachers at their school. It was on Tuesday, at 3 pm, thirty two students and our module teacher gathered in a room where the assistive tools were displaced and waited to the spoke person, Madam Tenzin Lhekphel Choden. Before going to the center, our tutor has asked to frame the questions related to Assistive learning and inclusive learning. Since, most of the students shared similar questions, so they asked on once and other just written down the answer to the questions.
These are some of the questions asked to the spoke person by the class.
I. What is assistive technology?
II. What are the types of assistive technology?
III. What are the challenges while procuring it?
IV. What are the challenges while implementing in the school?
The answers the questions and later she also showed us some of the assistive tools that were in the room. The said that the assistive tools are any tools that makes the life of learner easier. With the help of these tools the disabled students can make differences in their learning. The common types of the assistive technologies are low tech and high tech. It also depends on the types of disabilities. The low tech device could be as simple as book holder which helps the students those face difficulties in holding the books. She mentioned that challenges while procuring it is mainly the budget. The assistive tools caused very high price and it has to import from third countries. Even though, the students get an opportunity to use it, some students refuse to use it because they feel like they are treated differently. To solve this issue the peers should not criticize them but instead they should understand their difficulties and help them to learn along with them.
Then, she also shared that the college is planning to implement the program in diploma which support teacher in schools. As per her, it will come into action from 2024 till 2024. Some of the assistive tools used in the center are, nail cutter, stress ball, spinner, book stand and some few others.
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